The COVID-19 pandemic made it painfully obvious that the majority of people were woefully unprepared when the lockdown/shutdown orders came.

Were you stuck in long lines with everyone else trying to buy as much food, water and other supplies as you could?

Were you lucky enough to get toilet paper before it ran out?

Don't get caught in this situation again.

Download the Emergency Preparedness Checklist - 72-hours Bare Essentials today so that you and your family are ready before the next disaster strikes.

Download TODAY!

Already prepared for 72-hours at home?

  1. What if you have to leave your home because it's affected by the disaster?
  2. What if the disaster strikes while everyone is at work/school?
  3. What if the cell network is down and you can't reach loved ones?
  4. Does everyone in your family know what to do in a disaster?
  5. Does everyone know where to meet if you are separated?
  6. Can you get by without power and water for several weeks?
  7. What are you going to eat after 72-hours if the grocery stores haven't reopened or are empty?
  8. Do you have all the equipment you would need to survive away from home for 14 days? how about 30 days?
  9. Do you know the skills and have the training necessary to be fully self-sufficient for an extended period of time?
If you want the answers to these questions and are looking for more in-depth training on being prepared check out my Emergency Prep Essentials course.
This course provides a deeper dive into emergency preparedness to take your prepping to the next level.
The course will teach you my 5-step process to being prepared. I cover the plans, checklists, skills & training considerations, and resources you need to think about to ensure you and your family can really save yourselves when the next disaster strikes.
A comprehensive planning kit is provided as part of the course.